
This documentation is automatically generated by online-judge-tools/verification-helper

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:heavy_check_mark: test/atcoder/abc/abc246_e_grid_direction_graph.test.py

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# verification-helper: PROBLEM https://atcoder.jp/contests/abc246/tasks/abc246_e

def solve():
    N = read(int)
    Ax, Ay = read(tuple[-1, ...])
    Bx, By = read(tuple[-1, ...])
    G = read(BishopBoard[N,N])
    if (Ax+Ay)&1 != (Bx+By)&1:
        return -1 
    s,g = G.vertex((Ax, Ay)), G.vertex((Bx, By))
    ans = G.distance(s, g)
    return -1 if ans == inf else ans

def main():


from collections import deque
from math import inf
from typing import Iterable
from cp_library.alg.graph.lazy_grid_direction_graph_cls import LazyGridDirectionGraph
from cp_library.io.read_fn import read
from cp_library.io.write_fn import write

class BishopBoard(LazyGridDirectionGraph):
    def __init__(G, H, W, S=...):
        dirs = [(1,1),(1,-1),(-1,1),(-1,-1)]
        super().__init__(H, W, S, dirs)
    def free_move(G, v: int, dir: int) -> Iterable[int]:
        if dir < 0: return v
        H, W = G.H, G.W
        i,j = divmod(v, W)
        di,dj = G.dirs[dir]
        ni,nj = i+di,j+dj
        if G.is_valid(ni, nj, u := ni*W+nj):
            return u
        return v
    def bfs(G, s = 0, g = None):
        D = [[inf]*4 for _ in range(G.N)]
        D[s] = [0]*4
        q = deque([(s,-1)])
        while q:
            u, dir = q.popleft()
            if u == g: return D[u][dir]
            nd = D[u][dir]
            if nd < D[v := G.free_move(u,dir)][dir]:
                D[v][dir] = nd
            nd += 1
            for v, ndir in G[u]:
                if nd < D[v][ndir]:
                    D[v][ndir] = nd

        return D if g is None else inf    

if __name__ == "__main__":
# verification-helper: PROBLEM https://atcoder.jp/contests/abc246/tasks/abc246_e

def solve():
    N = read(int)
    Ax, Ay = read(tuple[-1, ...])
    Bx, By = read(tuple[-1, ...])
    G = read(BishopBoard[N,N])
    if (Ax+Ay)&1 != (Bx+By)&1:
        return -1 
    s,g = G.vertex((Ax, Ay)), G.vertex((Bx, By))
    ans = G.distance(s, g)
    return -1 if ans == inf else ans

def main():


from collections import deque
from math import inf
from typing import Iterable

from collections.abc import Iterator
import sys

import typing
from numbers import Number
from types import GenericAlias 
from typing import Callable, Collection, Iterator, Union
import os
from io import BytesIO, IOBase

class FastIO(IOBase):
    BUFSIZE = 8192
    newlines = 0

    def __init__(self, file):
        self._fd = file.fileno()
        self.buffer = BytesIO()
        self.writable = "x" in file.mode or "r" not in file.mode
        self.write = self.buffer.write if self.writable else None

    def read(self):
        BUFSIZE = self.BUFSIZE
        while True:
            b = os.read(self._fd, max(os.fstat(self._fd).st_size, BUFSIZE))
            if not b:
            ptr = self.buffer.tell()
            self.buffer.seek(0, 2), self.buffer.write(b), self.buffer.seek(ptr)
        self.newlines = 0
        return self.buffer.read()

    def readline(self):
        BUFSIZE = self.BUFSIZE
        while self.newlines == 0:
            b = os.read(self._fd, max(os.fstat(self._fd).st_size, BUFSIZE))
            self.newlines = b.count(b"\n") + (not b)
            ptr = self.buffer.tell()
            self.buffer.seek(0, 2), self.buffer.write(b), self.buffer.seek(ptr)
        self.newlines -= 1
        return self.buffer.readline()

    def flush(self):
        if self.writable:
            os.write(self._fd, self.buffer.getvalue())
            self.buffer.truncate(0), self.buffer.seek(0)

class IOWrapper(IOBase):
    stdin: 'IOWrapper' = None
    stdout: 'IOWrapper' = None
    def __init__(self, file):
        self.buffer = FastIO(file)
        self.flush = self.buffer.flush
        self.writable = self.buffer.writable

    def write(self, s):
        return self.buffer.write(s.encode("ascii"))
    def read(self):
        return self.buffer.read().decode("ascii")
    def readline(self):
        return self.buffer.readline().decode("ascii")

sys.stdin = IOWrapper.stdin = IOWrapper(sys.stdin)
sys.stdout = IOWrapper.stdout = IOWrapper(sys.stdout)
from typing import TypeVar
_T = TypeVar('T')

class TokenStream(Iterator):
    stream = IOWrapper.stdin

    def __init__(self):
        self.queue = deque()

    def __next__(self):
        if not self.queue: self.queue.extend(self._line())
        return self.queue.popleft()
    def wait(self):
        if not self.queue: self.queue.extend(self._line())
        while self.queue: yield
    def _line(self):
        return TokenStream.stream.readline().split()

    def line(self):
        if self.queue:
            A = list(self.queue)
            return A
        return self._line()
TokenStream.default = TokenStream()

class CharStream(TokenStream):
    def _line(self):
        return TokenStream.stream.readline().rstrip()
CharStream.default = CharStream()

ParseFn = Callable[[TokenStream],_T]
class Parser:
    def __init__(self, spec: Union[type[_T],_T]):
        self.parse = Parser.compile(spec)

    def __call__(self, ts: TokenStream) -> _T:
        return self.parse(ts)
    def compile_type(cls: type[_T], args = ()) -> _T:
        if issubclass(cls, Parsable):
            return cls.compile(*args)
        elif issubclass(cls, (Number, str)):
            def parse(ts: TokenStream): return cls(next(ts))              
            return parse
        elif issubclass(cls, tuple):
            return Parser.compile_tuple(cls, args)
        elif issubclass(cls, Collection):
            return Parser.compile_collection(cls, args)
        elif callable(cls):
            def parse(ts: TokenStream):
                return cls(next(ts))              
            return parse
            raise NotImplementedError()
    def compile(spec: Union[type[_T],_T]=int) -> ParseFn[_T]:
        if isinstance(spec, (type, GenericAlias)):
            cls = typing.get_origin(spec) or spec
            args = typing.get_args(spec) or tuple()
            return Parser.compile_type(cls, args)
        elif isinstance(offset := spec, Number): 
            cls = type(spec)  
            def parse(ts: TokenStream): return cls(next(ts)) + offset
            return parse
        elif isinstance(args := spec, tuple):      
            return Parser.compile_tuple(type(spec), args)
        elif isinstance(args := spec, Collection):  
            return Parser.compile_collection(type(spec), args)
        elif isinstance(fn := spec, Callable): 
            def parse(ts: TokenStream): return fn(next(ts))
            return parse
            raise NotImplementedError()

    def compile_line(cls: _T, spec=int) -> ParseFn[_T]:
        if spec is int:
            fn = Parser.compile(spec)
            def parse(ts: TokenStream): return cls([int(token) for token in ts.line()])
            return parse
            fn = Parser.compile(spec)
            def parse(ts: TokenStream): return cls([fn(ts) for _ in ts.wait()])
            return parse

    def compile_repeat(cls: _T, spec, N) -> ParseFn[_T]:
        fn = Parser.compile(spec)
        def parse(ts: TokenStream): return cls([fn(ts) for _ in range(N)])
        return parse

    def compile_children(cls: _T, specs) -> ParseFn[_T]:
        fns = tuple((Parser.compile(spec) for spec in specs))
        def parse(ts: TokenStream): return cls([fn(ts) for fn in fns])  
        return parse
    def compile_tuple(cls: type[_T], specs) -> ParseFn[_T]:
        if isinstance(specs, (tuple,list)) and len(specs) == 2 and specs[1] is ...:
            return Parser.compile_line(cls, specs[0])
            return Parser.compile_children(cls, specs)

    def compile_collection(cls, specs):
        if not specs or len(specs) == 1 or isinstance(specs, set):
            return Parser.compile_line(cls, *specs)
        elif (isinstance(specs, (tuple,list)) and len(specs) == 2 and isinstance(specs[1], int)):
            return Parser.compile_repeat(cls, specs[0], specs[1])
            raise NotImplementedError()

class Parsable:
    def compile(cls):
        def parser(ts: TokenStream): return cls(next(ts))
        return parser

from enum import auto, IntFlag, IntEnum

class DFSFlags(IntFlag):
    ENTER = auto()
    DOWN = auto()
    BACK = auto()
    CROSS = auto()
    LEAVE = auto()
    UP = auto()
    MAXDEPTH = auto()

    RETURN_PARENTS = auto()
    RETURN_DEPTHS = auto()
    BACKTRACK = auto()
    CONNECT_ROOTS = auto()

    # Common combinations

class DFSEvent(IntEnum):
    DOWN = DFSFlags.DOWN 
    BACK = DFSFlags.BACK 
    UP = DFSFlags.UP 

def elist(est_len: int) -> list: ...
    from __pypy__ import newlist_hint
    def newlist_hint(hint):
        return []
elist = newlist_hint
from typing import Iterable, Union, overload

class GraphProtocol(list, Parsable):
    def __init__(G, N: int, E: list = None, adj: Iterable = None):
        G.N = N
        if E is not None:
            G.M, G.E = len(E), E
        if adj is not None:

    def neighbors(G, v: int) -> Iterable[int]:
        return G[v]
    def edge_ids(G) -> list[list[int]]: ...

    def distance(G) -> list[list[int]]: ...
    def distance(G, s: int = 0) -> list[int]: ...
    def distance(G, s: int, g: int) -> int: ...
    def distance(G, s = None, g = None):
        if s == None:
            return G.floyd_warshall()
            return G.bfs(s, g)

    def bfs(G, s: Union[int,list] = 0) -> list[int]: ...
    def bfs(G, s: Union[int,list], g: int) -> int: ...
    def bfs(G, s = 0, g = None):
        D = [inf for _ in range(G.N)]
        q = deque([s] if isinstance(s, int) else s)
        for u in q: D[u] = 0
        while q:
            nd = D[u := q.popleft()]+1
            if u == g: return D[u]
            for v in G.neighbors(u):
                if nd < D[v]:
                    D[v] = nd
        return D if g is None else inf 

    def shortest_path(G, s: int, g: int) -> Union[list[int],None]: ...
    def shortest_path(G, s: int, g: int, distances = True) -> tuple[Union[list[int],None],list[int]]: ...
    def shortest_path(G, s: int, g: int, distances = False) -> list[int]:
        D = [inf] * G.N
        D[s] = 0
        if s == g:
            return ([], D) if distances else []
        par = [-1] * G.N
        par_edge = [-1] * G.N
        Eid = G.edge_ids()
        q = deque([s])
        while q:
            nd = D[u := q.popleft()] + 1
            if u == g: break
            for v, eid in zip(G[u], Eid[u]):
                if nd < D[v]:
                    D[v] = nd
                    par[v] = u
                    par_edge[v] = eid
        if D[g] == inf:
            return (None, D) if distances else None
        path = []
        current = g
        while current != s:
            current = par[current]
        return (path[::-1], D) if distances else path[::-1]
    def floyd_warshall(G) -> list[list[int]]:
        D = [[inf]*G.N for _ in range(G.N)]

        for u in range(G.N):
            D[u][u] = 0
            for v in G.neighbors(u):
                D[u][v] = 1
        for k, Dk in enumerate(D):
            for Di in D:
                if Di[k] == inf: continue
                for j in range(G.N):
                    if Dk[j] == inf: continue
                    Di[j] = min(Di[j], Di[k]+Dk[j])
        return D
    def find_cycle(G, s = 0, vis = None, par = None):
        N = G.N
        vis = vis or [0] * N
        par = par or [-1] * N
        if vis[s]: return None
        vis[s] = 1
        stack = [(True, s)]
        while stack:
            forw, v = stack.pop()
            if forw:
                stack.append((False, v))
                vis[v] = 1
                for u in G.neighbors(v):
                    if vis[u] == 1 and u != par[v]:
                        # Cycle detected
                        cyc = [u]
                        vis[u] = 2
                        while v != u:
                            vis[v] = 2
                            v = par[v]
                        return cyc
                    elif vis[u] == 0:
                        par[u] = v
                        stack.append((True, u))
                vis[v] = 2
        return None

    def find_minimal_cycle(G, s=0):
        D, par, que = [inf] * (N := G.N), [-1] * N, deque([s])
        D[s] = 0
        while que:
            for v in G[u := que.popleft()]:
                if v == s:  # Found cycle back to start
                    cycle = [u]
                    while u != s: cycle.append(u := par[u])
                    return cycle
                if D[v] < inf: continue
                D[v], par[v] = D[u]+1, u
    def bridges(G):
        tin = [-1] * G.N
        low = [-1] * G.N
        par = [-1] * G.N
        vis = [0] * G.N
        in_edge = [-1] * G.N

        Eid = G.edge_ids()
        time = 0
        bridges = []
        stack = list(range(G.N))
        while stack:
            p = par[v := stack.pop()]
            if vis[v] == 0:
                vis[v] = 1
                tin[v] = low[v] = time
                time += 1
                for i, child in enumerate(G.neighbors(v)):
                    if child == p: continue
                    if vis[child] == 0: # Tree edge - recurse
                        par[child] = v
                        in_edge[child] = Eid[v][i]
                    else: # Back edge - update low-link value
                        low[v] = min(low[v], tin[child])
            elif vis[v] == 1:
                vis[v] = 2
                if p != -1:
                    low[p] = min(low[p], low[v])
                    if low[v] > tin[p]: bridges.append(in_edge[v])
        return bridges

    def articulation_points(G):
        Find articulation points in an undirected graph using DFS events.
        Returns a boolean list that is True for indices where the vertex is an articulation point.
        N = G.N
        order = [-1] * N
        low = [-1] * N
        par = [-1] * N
        state = [0] * N
        children = [0] * N
        ap = [False] * N
        time = 0
        stack = list(range(N))

        while stack:
            v = stack.pop()
            p = par[v]
            if state[v] == 0:
                state[v] = 1
                order[v] = low[v] = time
                time += 1
                for child in G[v]:
                    if order[child] == -1:
                        par[child] = v
                    elif child != p:
                        low[v] = min(low[v], order[child])
                if p != -1:
                    children[p] += 1
            elif state[v] == 1:
                state[v] = 2
                ap[v] |= p == -1 and children[v] > 1
                if p != -1:
                    low[p] = min(low[p], low[v])
                    ap[p] |= par[p] != -1 and low[v] >= order[p]

        return ap
    def dfs_events(G, flags: DFSFlags, s: Union[int,list,None] = None, max_depth: Union[int,None] = None):
        if flags == DFSFlags.INTERVAL:
            if max_depth is None:
                return G.dfs_enter_leave(s)
        elif flags == DFSFlags.DOWN or flags == DFSFlags.TOPDOWN:
            if max_depth is None:
                edges = G.dfs_topdown(s, DFSFlags.CONNECT_ROOTS in flags)
                return [(DFSEvent.DOWN, p, u) for p,u in edges]
        elif flags == DFSFlags.UP or flags == DFSFlags.BOTTOMUP:
            if max_depth is None:
                edges = G.dfs_bottomup(s, DFSFlags.CONNECT_ROOTS in flags)
                return [(DFSEvent.UP, p, u) for p,u in edges]
        elif flags & DFSFlags.BACKTRACK:
            return G.dfs_backtrack(flags, s, max_depth)
        state = [0] * G.N
        child = [0] * G.N
        stack = [0] * G.N
        if flags & DFSFlags.RETURN_PARENTS:
            parents = [-1] * G.N
        if flags & DFSFlags.RETURN_DEPTHS:
            depths = [-1] * G.N

        events = []
        for s in G.starts(s):
            stack[depth := 0] = s
            if (DFSFlags.DOWN|DFSFlags.CONNECT_ROOTS) in flags:
            while depth != -1:
                u = stack[depth]
                if not state[u]:
                    state[u] = 1
                    if flags & DFSFlags.ENTER:
                        events.append((DFSEvent.ENTER, u))
                    if flags & DFSFlags.RETURN_DEPTHS:
                        depths[u] = depth
                if (c := child[u]) < len(G[u]):
                    child[u] += 1
                    if (s := state[v := G[u][c]]) == 0: # Unvisited
                        if max_depth is None or depth <= max_depth:
                            if flags & DFSFlags.DOWN:
                                events.append((DFSEvent.DOWN, u, v))
                            stack[depth := depth+1] = v
                            if flags & DFSFlags.RETURN_PARENTS:
                                parents[v] = u
                    elif s == 1:  # In progress
                        if flags & DFSFlags.BACK:
                            events.append((DFSEvent.BACK, u, v))
                    elif s == 2: # Completed
                        if flags & DFSFlags.CROSS:
                            events.append((DFSEvent.CROSS, u, v))
                    depth -= 1
                    state[u] = 0 if DFSFlags.BACKTRACK in flags else 2
                    if flags & DFSFlags.LEAVE:
                        events.append((DFSEvent.LEAVE, u))
                    if depth != -1 and flags & DFSFlags.UP:
                        events.append((DFSEvent.UP, stack[depth], u))
            if (DFSFlags.UP|DFSFlags.CONNECT_ROOTS) in flags:
        ret = tuple((events,)) if DFSFlags.RETURN_ALL & flags else events
        if DFSFlags.RETURN_PARENTS in flags:
            ret += (parents,)
        if DFSFlags.RETURN_DEPTHS in flags:
            ret += (depths,)
        return ret

    def dfs_backtrack(G, flags: DFSFlags, s: Union[int,list] = None, max_depth: Union[int,None] = None):
        stack_depth = (max_depth+1 if max_depth is not None else G.N)
        stack = [0]*stack_depth
        child = [0]*stack_depth
        state = [0]*G.N
        events: list[tuple[DFSEvent, int]|tuple[DFSEvent, int, int]] = []

        for s in G.starts(s):
            if state[s]: continue
            state[s] = 1
            stack[depth := 0] = s
            if DFSFlags.DOWN|DFSFlags.CONNECT_ROOTS in flags:
            while depth != -1:
                u = stack[depth]
                if state[u] == 1:
                    state[u] = 2
                    if DFSFlags.ENTER in flags:
                    if max_depth is not None and depth >= max_depth:
                        child[depth] = len(G[u])
                        if DFSFlags.MAXDEPTH in flags:

                if (c := child[depth]) < len(G[u]):
                    child[depth] += 1
                    if state[v := G[u][c]]:
                        if DFSFlags.BACK in flags:
                    state[v] = 1
                    if DFSFlags.DOWN in flags:
                    stack[depth := depth+1] = v
                    state[u] = 0
                    if DFSFlags.LEAVE in flags:
                    child[depth] = 0
                    depth -= 1
                    if depth and DFSFlags.UP in flags:
                        events.append((DFSEvent.UP, stack[depth], u))
            if DFSFlags.UP|DFSFlags.CONNECT_ROOTS in flags:
        return events

    def dfs_enter_leave(G, s: Union[int,list,None] = None):
        state = [True] * G.N
        child: list[int] = elist(G.N)
        stack: list[int] = elist(G.N)

        events = []
        for s in G.starts(s):
            if not state[s]: continue
            while stack:
                u = stack[-1]
                if state[u]:
                    state[u] = False
                    events.append((DFSEvent.ENTER, u))

                if (c := child[-1]) < len(G[u]):
                    child[-1] += 1
                    if state[v := G[u][c]]:
                    events.append((DFSEvent.LEAVE, u))

        return events
    def dfs_topdown(G, s: Union[int,list,None] = None, connect_roots = False):
        '''Returns list of (u,v) representing u->v edges in order of top down discovery'''
        stack: list[int] = elist(G.N)
        vis = [False]*G.N
        edges: list[tuple[int,int]] = elist(G.N)

        for s in G.starts(s):
            if vis[s]: continue
            if connect_roots:
            vis[s] = True
            while stack:
                u = stack.pop()
                for v in G[u]:
                    if vis[v]: continue
                    vis[v] = True
        return edges
    def dfs_bottomup(G, s: Union[int,list,None] = None, connect_roots = False):
        '''Returns list of (p,u) representing p->u edges in bottom up order'''
        edges = G.dfs_topdown(s, connect_roots)
        return edges

    def is_bipartite(G):
        N = G.N
        que = deque()
        color = [-1]*N
        for s in range(N):
            if color[s] >= 0:
            color[s] = 1
            while que:
                u = que.popleft()
                for v in G[u]:
                    if color[v] == -1:
                        color[v] = 1 - color[u]
                    elif color[v] == color[u]:
                        return False
        return True
    def starts(G, v: Union[int,list,None]) -> Iterable:
        if isinstance(v, int):
            return (v,)
        elif v is None:
            return range(G.N)
            return v

    def compile(cls, N: int, M: int, E):
        edge = Parser.compile(E)
        def parse(ts: TokenStream):
            return cls(N, [edge(ts) for _ in range(M)])
        return parse

class GridGraphProtocol(GraphProtocol):

    def __init__(G, H, W, S=str, dirs = [(-1,0),(0,1),(1,0),(0,-1)], wall = '#', adj = None):
        super().__init__(W*H, None, adj)
        G.W = W
        G.H = H
        G.S = S
        G.dirs = dirs
        G.wall = wall

    def vertex(G, key: tuple[int,int] | int):
        if isinstance(key, tuple):
            i,j = key
            return i*G.W+j
            return key

    def is_valid(G, i, j, v):
        return 0 <= i < G.H and 0 <= j < G.W and G.S[v] != G.wall
    def compile(cls, H: int, W: int, *args):
        def parse(ts: TokenStream):
            S = ''.join(ts.stream.readline().rstrip() for _ in range(H))
            return cls(H, W, S, *args)
        return parse

class LazyGridGraph(GridGraphProtocol):

    def neighbors(G, u: int) -> Iterable[int]:
        S, wall, dirs, H, W = G.S, G.wall, G.dirs, G.H, G.W
        i,j = divmod(u, W)
        return tuple(v
            for di,dj in dirs
                if (0 <= (ni:=i+di) < H 
                    and 0 <= (nj:=j+dj) < W  
                    and S[v:=ni*W+nj] != wall)
        ) if S[u] != wall else tuple()
    def __len__(G) -> int:
        return G.N
    def __getitem__(G, v: int):
        return G.neighbors(v)
    def __iter__(G) -> Iterator:
        return iter(G[v] for v in range(G.N))

class LazyGridDirectionGraph(LazyGridGraph):

    def neighbors(G, u: int) -> tuple[tuple[int,int], ...]:
        S, wall, dirs, H, W = G.S, G.wall, G.dirs, G.H, G.W
        i,j = divmod(u, W)
        return tuple((v,ndir)
            for ndir,(di,dj) in enumerate(dirs)
                if (0 <= (ni:=i+di) < H 
                    and 0 <= (nj:=j+dj) < W  
                    and S[v:=ni*W+nj] != wall)
        ) if S[u] != wall else tuple()

from typing import Iterable, Type, Union, overload

def read() -> Iterable[int]: ...
def read(spec: int) -> list[int]: ...
def read(spec: Union[Type[_T],_T], char=False) -> _T: ...
def read(spec: Union[Type[_T],_T] = None, char=False):
    if not char and spec is None: return map(int, TokenStream.default.line())
    parser: _T = Parser.compile(spec)
    return parser(CharStream.default if char else TokenStream.default)

def write(*args, **kwargs):
    '''Prints the values to a stream, or to stdout_fast by default.'''
    sep, file = kwargs.pop("sep", " "), kwargs.pop("file", IOWrapper.stdout)
    at_start = True
    for x in args:
        if not at_start:
        at_start = False
    file.write(kwargs.pop("end", "\n"))
    if kwargs.pop("flush", False):

class BishopBoard(LazyGridDirectionGraph):
    def __init__(G, H, W, S=...):
        dirs = [(1,1),(1,-1),(-1,1),(-1,-1)]
        super().__init__(H, W, S, dirs)
    def free_move(G, v: int, dir: int) -> Iterable[int]:
        if dir < 0: return v
        H, W = G.H, G.W
        i,j = divmod(v, W)
        di,dj = G.dirs[dir]
        ni,nj = i+di,j+dj
        if G.is_valid(ni, nj, u := ni*W+nj):
            return u
        return v
    def bfs(G, s = 0, g = None):
        D = [[inf]*4 for _ in range(G.N)]
        D[s] = [0]*4
        q = deque([(s,-1)])
        while q:
            u, dir = q.popleft()
            if u == g: return D[u][dir]
            nd = D[u][dir]
            if nd < D[v := G.free_move(u,dir)][dir]:
                D[v][dir] = nd
            nd += 1
            for v, ndir in G[u]:
                if nd < D[v][ndir]:
                    D[v][ndir] = nd

        return D if g is None else inf    

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