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:warning: cp_library/math/conv/gcd_conv_fn.py

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import cp_library.__header__
import operator
from typing import Callable
from cp_library.misc.typing import _T
import cp_library.math.__header__
import cp_library.math.conv.__header__

def gcd_conv(A: list[_T], B: list[_T], N: int,
            mul: Callable[[_T,_T],_T] = operator.mul,
            sub: Callable[[_T,_T],_T] = operator.sub,
            add: Callable[[_T,_T],_T] = operator.add) -> list[_T]:
    return Primes(N).gcd_conv(A, B, add, sub, mul)

from cp_library.math.table.primes_cls import Primes
import operator
from typing import Callable
from typing import TypeVar
_T = TypeVar('T')

    x₀ ────────●─●────────●───●────────●───────●────────► X₀
                ╳          ╲ ╱          ╲     ╱          
    x₄ ────────●─●────────●─╳─●────────●─╲───╱─●────────► X₁
                           ╳ ╳          ╲ ╲ ╱ ╱          
    x₂ ────────●─●────────●─╳─●────────●─╲─╳─╱─●────────► X₂
                ╳          ╱ ╲          ╲ ╳ ╳ ╱          
    x₆ ────────●─●────────●───●────────●─╳─╳─╳─●────────► X₃
                                        ╳ ╳ ╳ ╳         
    x₁ ────────●─●────────●───●────────●─╳─╳─╳─●────────► X₄
                ╳          ╲ ╱          ╱ ╳ ╳ ╲          
    x₅ ────────●─●────────●─╳─●────────●─╱─╳─╲─●────────► X₅
                           ╳ ╳          ╱ ╱ ╲ ╲          
    x₃ ────────●─●────────●─╳─●────────●─╱───╲─●────────► X₆
                ╳          ╱ ╲          ╱     ╲          
    x₇ ────────●─●────────●───●────────●───────●────────► X₇
                      Math - Convolution                     

def gcd_conv(A: list[_T], B: list[_T], N: int,
            mul: Callable[[_T,_T],_T] = operator.mul,
            sub: Callable[[_T,_T],_T] = operator.sub,
            add: Callable[[_T,_T],_T] = operator.add) -> list[_T]:
    return Primes(N).gcd_conv(A, B, add, sub, mul)

def reserve(A: list, est_len: int) -> None: ...
    from __pypy__ import resizelist_hint
    def resizelist_hint(A: list, est_len: int):
reserve = resizelist_hint

class Primes(list[int]):
    def __init__(P, N: int):
        spf = [0] * (N + 1)
        spf[0], spf[1] = 0, 1
        reserve(P, N)

        for i in range(2, N + 1):
            if spf[i] == 0:
                spf[i] = i
            for p in P:
                if p > spf[i] or i*p > N: break
                spf[i*p] = p
        P.spf = spf

    def divisor_zeta(P, A: list[int], op: Callable[[int,int], int] = operator.add) -> list[int]:
        N = len(A)-1
        for p in P:
            for i in range(1, N//p+1): A[i*p] = op(A[i*p], A[i])
        return A
    def divisor_mobius(P, A: list[int], diff: Callable[[int,int], int] = operator.sub) -> list[int]:
        N = len(A)-1
        for p in P:
            for i in range(N//p, 0, -1): A[i*p] = diff(A[i*p], A[i])
        return A
    def multiple_zeta(P, A: list[int], op: Callable[[int,int], int] = operator.add) -> list[int]:
        N = len(A)-1
        for p in P:
            for i in range(N//p, 0, -1): A[i] = op(A[i], A[i*p])
        return A
    def multiple_mobius(P, A: list[int], diff: Callable[[int,int], int] = operator.sub) -> list[int]:
        N = len(A)-1
        for p in P:
            for i in range(1, N//p+1): A[i] = diff(A[i], A[i*p])
        return A
    def gcd_conv(P, A: list[int], B: list[int], add = operator.add, sub = operator.sub, mul = operator.mul):
        A, B = P.multiple_zeta(A, add), P.multiple_zeta(B, add)
        for i, b in enumerate(B): A[i] = mul(A[i], b)
        return P.multiple_mobius(A, sub)
    def lcm_conv(P, A: list[int], B: list[int], add = operator.add, sub = operator.sub, mul = operator.mul):
        A, B = P.divisor_zeta(A, add), P.divisor_zeta(B, add)
        for i, b in enumerate(B): A[i] = mul(A[i], b)
        return P.divisor_mobius(A, sub)
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